March Newsletter Post – Sugar and Inflammation

So, you have probably heard Dr Mike and I talk about sugar and we usually say something like “avoid sugar, wheat dairy….”, except for on holidays and special occasions. I know that is super LAME but I thought I’d give you a little more information as to why we tell you that all the time. The problem is sugar really is a silent killer to your health. It is addicting, causes heart disease, and causes blood sugar variability (the ups and downs of energy through the day), which is as bad as being diagnosed with diabetes. Sugar increases inflammation in the body, in a bad way, which is how it negatively affects the body.

Let’s talk about how sugar – and inflammation – could be preventing you from reaching your goals. In particular, I’m going to highlight the thyroid. Your thyroid is an organ that is part of a group called the HPT axis linking the Hypothalamus (in the brain), the Pituitary (a gland that produces and releases hormones in the brain) and the Thyroid. The thyroid receives messages from the brain and produces two hormones T3 (tri-iodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) that are then released into the body. These hormones stimulate the metabolism in your cells and can be the boost in energy that you feel throughout the day.

Symptoms of low thyroid function are brain fog, fatigue, cold extremities, high cholesterol, joint pain, depression, poor wound healing, unhealthy aging and many more. As inflammation increases or is maintained, your energy levels will drop because the systems, like your thyroid, cannot do their jobs fully and properly. Sugar is eight times more addicting than cocaine, and it takes at least 2 weeks to reset your hormones and get through the icky feels after cutting it out of your diet. Even though you get temporary energy from sugar, it has negative lasting effects on many organs.

Ultimately, inflammation disrupts healthy processes and slows down your body. Eating good food like lean protein (chicken, fish etc…) and vegetables supply your body with the nutrients it needs in order to boost metabolism and energy. Your cells need vitamins and minerals in order to make hormones like T3 and T4 mentioned above. If you are looking to change anything in your health, making sure you are getting foods and possibly supplements that support the system you are trying to boost will be effective.

Many apparently healthy adults show symptoms of low thyroid function, but are not deficient enough for it to show up on a blood test. If something larger is going on in the body, many systems can be affected. Utilizing applied kinesiology and other testing can help address the system of the body that needs the most assistance and boost first. Most often, the inflammation and sugar intake is affecting the pancreas, the adrenals, the gut and other organs, which in turn can also affect the thyroid. The body is one big connected system so tracking down the cause, rather than treating the symptoms, can entirely change someones health. Tackling the source of the larger issue by changing your diet and lifestyle through foods and high quality supplements that support a healthy body just might save your thyroid and your health.

In health,

-Dr K