The Heart Sound Recorder
Every day, your heart beats 100,000 times, sending 2,000 gallons of blood surging through your body. The Heart Sound Recorder is a computer-based, low-risk wellness monitor which uses the principles of auscultation to observe heart sounds. The heart’s reaction to certain stressors, (i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional), can be observed using this type of device. Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by seeing the rate, rhythm, and tone of the heart cycle on the graph.
“…We can say that we find no condition, either directly or indirectly, so responsive to nutritional therapy as that which is reflected in heart conditions.”
-Dr. Royal Lee
Rate, Rhythm, Tone
Three Key Indicators of Heart Health and Function
Your nervous system controls the RATE at which your heart beats. The rate of your heart is how fast or slow your heart beats. The optimal resting heart rate is 60-80 beats per minutes. One side of your nervous system (sympathetic) manages your “fight or flight” response and can accelerate your heart rate. The other side (parasympathetic) manages your “rest and digest” response and can slow your heart rate. You need to have a healthy balance between the two.
The RHYTHM of your heart pertains to how regular your heart beats. There are two heartbeat sounds,
“lub”(S1) and “dub”(S2), which should beat in a steady, consistent rhythm. The rhythm of your heart should show a specific work-to-rest ratio on the graph. Your heart should be resting twice as long as it is working. Observations are made to see if your heart is working too hard, or not working hard enough.
The TONE of your heart refers to the strength of the ventricle contractions. The height and the width of the “lub dub” sound on the graph shows how efficiently your ventricles are ejecting during systole.
Sample of graphs from the heart sound recorder:
For more information regarding heart disease, please visit