Holiday Eating


Cookies decorated with a Christmas theme


Kelsey, my office manager, thought I should write about how to eat the healthiest way possible through the holidays. Well, the holidays are the absolute hardest time to eat healthy! So in some ways we are already in trouble! What the holiday challenge can provide is a great opportunity to focus on the obstacles without being attached to perfection. Now, what does that mean? It means that you must first enjoy this time of year with family and friends. Next, it is a great time to relax and to not be so critical of you, your habits or your illusional imperfections. Everyone is in the holiday so things can wait. The key to getting through the holidays is to eat as many clean days you can and when you “go off” the diet you eat the things you feel are “bad” with abandon! I have found that our bodies do best with 100% clean days with over indulgence on the “cheat days” than having a little indulgence every day. Think of it like this. Imagine you have a safe that you can but the “crap foods” in when you feel the urge. This safe has a time release lock that will open on the “cheat day”, and all the stuff that you craved comes out and you eat it all in one day. So, if you can put as many clean days in and limit the bad days you will recover much better. Our bodies can handle the “bad foods” better on great days. What I mean is if your emotions and spirits are up you can process the bad food better than a rough day. Therefore, eat what you want and there is no foul on a good day! So, when I eat the “bad stuff” I do not think of the harm or health consequence but embellish the joy of the test texture and appeal of what is in my mouth. To eat and feel the negative emotions is a double whammy to the body. Another challenge is when you are going through all the myriad of holiday events and you are stuck being hungry in an ocean of tasty but unwholesome crap, with people you do not want to offend:

1) Eat a clean breakfast everyday. Get the good food in your body first. Good food helps your body detox.

2) If you decide to decline an item and the hosts or group asks why, say you have an allergy to the item. People will be OK with that and will not take offense or ask anymore questions.

3) Drink as much water as you can because the body uses water to detox mainly

4) If you are a patient of mine and have these supplements in your drawer use them.

Zypan or Betaine Hydrocloride at every meal-they help you digest the increase of food you will take in on the holidays.

AF Betafood- helps your body detoxify, helps the sugar cravings, and cleans out the liver.

Lact-Enz or Lactic Acid Yeast- helps the gut heal from too much sugars, wheat and dairy.

Zymex- Is a great pre-biotic when it is all said and done.